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Q: What is the drinking age in Rwanda?
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How old do you have to be to go to school at Rwanda?

Children in Rwanda go to school from age 5 to 18.

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there is no drinking age

What is the drinking age in Nigeria?

there is no drinking age

What is the drinking age in Belize?

The drinking age in Belize is 18 , however in Hunduras there is no "legal drinking age" :)

What is the legal drinking age in Macau?

there is no drinking age

What is the drinking age in Columbia?

the drinking age is 12

What is the drinking age in Morocco?

There is no age restriction for drinking, but the legal age to purchase is 16

What is the legal drinking age in uae?

UAE legal drinking age is 21, so It's same drinking age as USA.

Did California ever have drinking age at eighteen?

the drinking age was 21

What is the drinking age in Pakistan?

wheat is age for drinking in Pakistan 18

What is the drinking age in Cuba?

There is no legal drinking age, but you have to be 18 to purchase.

What is the drinking age in Vanuatu?

The legal drinking age in Vanuatu is 18