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This question is one of the many that SHOULD have been answered. This is this is not idon' so i belive that the answer should be prevelant

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Q: What is the dominant climate factor on the Indian subcontinent?
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What factor covers up another factor?

dominant factor

A genetic factor that covers up another genetic factor is called?

A dominant trait is a genetic factor that blocks another genetic factor. A recessive trait is a genetic factor that is blocked by the presence of a dominant fact

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The dominant factor is where the rivers are located.

What did Mendel mean by a dominant factor?

Mendel meant that a dominant factor is a gene that expresses its trait in an individual when present with the corresponding recessive gene. The dominant allele masks the expression of the recessive allele in a heterozygous individual.

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What is elements of climate?

An element of climate is a factor that can affect the weather and thus the climate of a region

What is a dominant and ressesive?

In genetics, a dominant trait is one that is expressed when only one copy of the gene is present, masking the recessive trait. A recessive trait is only expressed when two copies of the gene are present.

What is a sentence with hegemony in it?

A sentence with hegemony in it, is a description of a dominant factor

What is the first factor that affects climate?

The first factor that affects climate is the amount of solar radiation received by a region. This incoming solar energy drives weather patterns and overall climate conditions on Earth.

The factor that always expresses itself in the first filial generation?

The dominant factor always expresses itself in the first filial generation, known as the F1 generation. This means it is the trait that is visible in the offspring when one parent has a dominant allele for a particular characteristic.

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Syed Ahmed Shaheed Barelvi's work was significant in the revival of Islam in the Indian subcontinent, but it was not the sole factor. There were other prominent figures and movements such as Shah Waliullah and the Deoband movement that also played crucial roles in the Islamic revival in the region.