It depends on which part of Scotland you want to go to. The distance from Cardiff to Edinburgh is 385 miles.
Wales is a country, the first major town in Wales that you could travel to is Wrexham, so Edinburgh to Wrexham is approx 256 miles and would take about 4 hours 50 minutes to drive.
Cardiff to Glasgow is about 400 miles.
England - London Ireland - Dublin Scotland - Edinburgh Wales - Cardiff Nothern Ireland - Belfast (The Republic of Ireland is not part of the UK) London is England's capital. Dublin is Ireland's capital. Edinburgh is Scotland's capital. Cardiff is the capital of Wales.
The distance from New York to Cardiff is 3335.8 Miles.
The distance from New York to Cardiff is 3335.8 Miles.
Cardiff is in Wales. Dublin is in Ireland. Edinburgh is in Scotland. London is in England.
It's 356 miles from Cardiff to Dublin
The flight distance from Singapore to Cardiff, United Kingdom is: 6,871 miles / 11,058 km
The flight distance from Tokyo, Japan to Cardiff, United Kingdom is: 6,023 miles / 9,694 km
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There are 183 miles, (295km), between Dublin, Ireland, and Cardiff, Wales.
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12 miles