It is an estimated distance of 112 miles> (:
The flight distance from Seoul, South Korea to Melbourne is 5312 miles.
The air distance from London, England, to Seoul, South Korea, is 5,518 miles. That equals 8,880 kilometers or 4,795 nautical miles.
There is approximately 11,157 kilometers (or 6933 miles) between Seoul, South Korea and Washington, DC.
The flight distance from Chicago, Illinois to Seoul, South Korea is 6,546 miles.
The flight distance from Memphis, Tennessee to Seoul, South Korea is 6894 miles / 11095 kms.
6,601 miles
The total distance from Seoul, South Korea to London, Canada is 6,611 miles. This is equivalent to 10,639 kilometers or 5,745 nautical miles.
The distance from Seoul, South Korea, to Amsterdam, Netherlands, is 5,331 air miles. That equals 8,579 kilometers or 4,632 nautical miles.
The distance between Seoul, South Korea and Paris, France is 5573.0 miles(8968.0 km)
The total distance from Seoul, South Korea to Dallas, TX is 6,832 miles.
The flight distance from London to Seoul, South Korea is about 5,530 miles.