Distance from Macedonia to Romania is 8668.5 kilometersThis air travel distance is equal to 5386.36 miles.
414 km
approx. 321 km
No, between Romania and Russia is a great distance.
The flight distance from Florida (FL) to Wales is: 4,266 miles / 6,866 km
There is little distance between Italy and Romania. I don't think there is a good reason why they've taken Romania. Maybe Romania was in 'their way'.
The distance between London (UK) and Bucharest (Romania) is 1301 miles (2094 kilometers)
Now (22.10.2014) this coach is Lynn Howells from Wales.
The distance from Sochi to Constanța is 750 km.
126 miles
The distance is 8 500 km.
The distance on the road is approx. 2 600 km.