about how far is it from New York to California
It is 2,939.71 miles according to MapQuest.
California is geographically closer to China than New York. The distance between California and China is around 6,000 miles, while the distance between New York and China is around 7,000 miles.
LA-SAN DIEGO-SAN JOSE New York City, New York, Los Angeles, California, and Chicago
3900 kilometers
About 2,549.05 miles.
a quarter of a million miles
Distance from New York to San Francisco is 2577 miles or 2239 nautical miles. Source: Time and Date.com
Distance from New York to Poland is shorter and there are more air connections than from California, so it is easier, faster and cheaper to fly from New York rather than from California.
It is 2,777 miles according to Google Maps.
Well from Ft. Worth to LA is Trip distance: 1408.54 miFrom Ft. Worth to New York is Trip distance: 1586.19mi.New York is the greater distance.
From: California To: New YorkThe distance between California and New York is probably across the US. So I went to Google maps and searched from California to New York. It said it was about 2,973 miles and it takes about 1 day 21 hours.