The flight distance from Seoul Metropolitan Area to Taipei Songshan Airport is about 919 miles / 1,479 km
The distance in Taiwan from Taipei to Hualien is 107 miles. That equals 172 kilometers and about 3.5 hours in driving time.
823 km
Flight:Los Angeles, CA (LAX) to Taipei (TPE)Flight Duration 14 hours 30 minsDistance:The distance between Los Angeles and Taipei, Taiwan is 6776 miles (10904 km).
The distance from Naha, Okinawa, Japan to Taipei is approx. 400miles. Driving from Taipei to Taichung (CCK) takes one hour via the expressway.
It takes about 9 1/2 hours to fly from Melbourne, Australia to Taipei, Taiwan. The actual distance between both cities is 4,574.2 miles/7,361.46 km.
It is 6138 miles. Note that this distance is a straight distance between the two places. The actual distance may vary according to the flight path chosen.
The distance between the above places is 7972 miles. This distance is point to point straight distance. The actual distance may vary according to the flight path chosen. Also this is not the airport to airport precise distance.
The Taipei MRT (Taipei Rapid Transit System) is a train that takes you all around Taipei. One of the most famous stations takes you to Taipei 101. For an article on Taipei Rapid Transit System, visit
The capital of Taiwan is Taipei. Taipei is located on the Tamsui River, at the northern tip of Taiwan. Taipei, New Taipei, and Keelung together form the Taipei-Keelung metropolitan area with a population of 6,900,273.
Xinyi District; Taipei, Taiwan
The abbreviation for Taipei is TP.