The distance from Hawaii to Japan in kilometers is 6278.0509440km
Closer to Japan than what? China is closer than Hawaii is. To the United States mainland? The answer is Hawaii is closer because the distance in miles between Hawaii and Japan are: 3,901 miles and the distance between America and Japan is: 5481 miles
3785.393 miles
if you transit in Japan it comes out to about 20 hours
It obviously depends on where in Hawaii and wherein Japan the questioner is asking about.The distance is likely to be approximately 4,000 miles.
no you cannot see japan from Hawaii
The distance between the above two places is 4143 miles. This is an approximate direct distance. Also this distance might change if a different flight route is chosen.
What is the distance between Riyadh and Hawaii?"
what island is closer to philippines is it japan autralia or hawaii
there are volcanos b/c there is a volcano where hawaii and japan are and b.c it getts hot in japan and in hawaii it takes it upto the volcanos and then it erups that makes my the hotness it is where hawaii and jaap is that the volcanos take in from how hot it is
Hawaii is much closer to California than to Japan. It is about 1/3 of the way from the US to Japan.
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