574 statute (land) miles
The driving distance from Washington, District of Columbia to Augusta, Georgia is:547 miles / 880 km
Roughly 640 miles
The flight distance is 542 miles.
It is a 10 hour drive and about 668 miles.
The driving distance from Washington, District of Columbia to Atlanta, Georgia is:637 miles / 1,025 km
Total Estimated Time: 9.0 hours 9 minutes Total Estimated Distance: 579.45 miles
The distance between the two places is 538 miles. This is an approximate direct (straight line) distance. During actual travel, this distance may change if a different flight route is chosen.
A typical flight between Washington, DC and Atlanta, GA would have a flying time of about 1 hours, 5 minutes.
It is 638 miles according to Google Maps.
About 2700 miles