the distance from Germany to south Africa is 9179.8 km
Istanbul, Turkey, to Virginia, South Africa, = 7686.475 Km
The distance from Africa to South America is shorter than the distance from Africa to Australia. The shortest distance between these two continents is approximately 1,400 miles across the Atlantic Ocean.
The distance between Africa and South America is shorter than the distance between Africa and Australia. Africa and South America are separated by the Atlantic Ocean, which is narrower than the Indian Ocean that separates Africa and Australia.
Zero. Johannesburg is in South Africa
the distance is 12.000 miles away.
The driving distance from Ellisras, South Africa to Johannesburg, South Africa is 210 miles.
East to west, Africa is approximately 4,600 miles.North to south, Africa is approximately 5,000 miles.The greater distance is North to South.
Africa to Australia
Africa to Australia
Africa to Australia
Which distance is shorter, Africa to South America or Africa to Australia