What is the distance from atlanta,ga to sarasota,fla
There are about 407.162 miles between Charleston, SC and Sarasota, FL.
131 miles
About 45 miles.
183 miles
The distance between Orlando, FL and Sarasota, FL is 131.5 miles. It takes a little over two hours to make the drive.
The driving distance is about 58.5 road miles.
twelve centimeters
The total driving distance from Philadelphia, PA to Sarasota, FL is 1,110 miles or 1,786 kilometers.
It is 18.6 miles according to Google Maps.
The distance by air from Miami, FL to Bermuda is 1,037 miles or 1668 km. In terms of flight time, it takes 2 hours and 34 minutes to travel from Miami to Bermuda.
what is the distance between Sarasota, Florida and Orlando Florida