about 2800 miles
Google Earth cites the distance as 4444.80 Km
The driving distance from Fort Worth to New York is greater, by about 170 miles.
The distance from LA to New York is 2,462 miles. It takes approximately 6-7 hours to travel from Los Angeles to New York by plane.
Well from Ft. Worth to LA is Trip distance: 1408.54 miFrom Ft. Worth to New York is Trip distance: 1586.19mi.New York is the greater distance.
Approx 2791 miles or 4491km
376 000 km
The quickest route on google maps, driving distance, from LA to NYC is 4,490 km.
I think Miles
No it is not. The distance from New York City, NY to Los Angeles, CA in a straight line is about 2,450 miles.
Approximately 3000 miles (5000 kilometers).
It is a longer drive to New York City.