20 miles taking this route:
Highwood, IL is in Lake county.
The address of the Highwood Historical Society is: Po Box 132, Highwood, IL 60040-0132
The address of the Highwood Public Library is: 102 Highwood Avenue, Highwood, 60040 1520
There are approx. 11 miles between Palatine and Deerfield IL.
The address of the Palatine Historical Society is: Po Box 134, Palatine, IL 60078-6007
There are several schools and nursing homes in the Palatine area for training. I would suggest Harper College, Palatine, IL they have a great program.
The absolute location of Palatine, IL is approximately 42.1106° N latitude and 88.0342° W longitude.
There are several flower shops that deliver to Palatine, IL. One of the best companies is called Palatine Flowers. More information can be found on their website: http://www.love-flower.com/
www.monster.com, www.hotjobs.com, and www.careerbuilder.com will help you find job opportunities in medical research in Palatine, IL.
11 on saturdays
Lake Cook is the best doctor that offers Chiropractic care in Palatine, IL. You can read more about him at www.touchofhealthcare.com
Self storage can be found in Palatine, IL for as little as $30 a month. Prices go up depending on storage requirements.