What is the driving distance from Edmonton to Windsor Ontario?
Edmonton, Alberta to Lewiston ID is 1,119 km taking AB-2 South and US 95 South.
Calgary and Edmonton are both located in the province of Alberta. Calgary is in southern Alberta, approximately 300 kms north of the Canada-US border. Edmonton is roughly 275 kms north of Calgary.
86 miles
Around 5000km.
about 30 miles to the border
The US and Canada border each other, so it would depend on where you start from and where you go to.
The driving distance from Edmonton to Vancouver is 722 road miles.
The driving distance from Strathmore to Edmonton, Canada is 209 miles / 336 km.
The distance from Grassland to Edmonton is approximately 210 kilometers. The driving time is usually around 2.5 to 3 hours, depending on traffic and road conditions.
The driving distance from Edmonton, Canada to Toronto, Canada is 2,161 miles / 3,478 km.
Edmonton to Tokyo - 7,858.23 air km