The driving distance from Washington, District of Columbia to Knoxville, Tennessee is:
487 miles / 784 kmanswer from travelmath dot comThe driving distance from Pigeon Forge, TN, USA to Chattanooga, TN, USA is 139.69mi / 224.81km
The driving distance from Chattanooga, TN, USA to Oakland, CA, USA is 2417.42mi / 3890.46km
The driving distance from Saint Louis, MO to Chattanooga, TN is 440 miles.
The flight distance from Washington (WA) to Nashville, Tennessee is: 1,936 miles / 3,116 km
about 155 miles
The distance is 223 miles.
About 135 road miles.
120 miles
130.2 miles, which is about a 122 minute drive.
The driving distance from Washington, District of Columbia to Jackson, Tennessee is:796 miles / 1,281 km
The driving distance is about 642 miles.
There is no city in Georgia with the name Chattanooga. I assume that you mean Chattanooga TN. The driving distance between Lexington IL and Chattanooga TN is 558 miles per Map Quest. The driving time is 8 hours and 22 minutes.