120 miles
mileage between Chattanooga ,TN Atlanta , GA
It is about 100 miles and takes about one and one half hours.
Chattanooga, Tennessee
2 hours
About 370 miles.
The distance is 125 miles.
The driving distance from Atlanta GA to Knoxville TN is 213 road miles.
About Chattanooga, TN
Sylco, TN. The driving distance to Sylco is about 55 miles.
The mid point between Chattanooga, TN and Atlanta GA is Adairsville, GA Here is the link to figure it out: http://www.meetways.com/Halfway-point-between-Chattanooga-TN-USA-and-Atlanta-GA-USA-poi-Coffee-ahw-0.html Plus a list of coffee shops around it.. I found MeetWays.com and it helps me locate perfect halfway points between two locations. Good Luck!
There is no city in Georgia with the name Chattanooga. I assume that you mean Chattanooga TN. The driving distance between Lexington IL and Chattanooga TN is 558 miles per Map Quest. The driving time is 8 hours and 22 minutes.