The distance from Amsterdam, Netherlands, to Louisville, Kentucky, is 4,229 air miles. That equals 6,805 kilometers or 3,675 nautical miles.
What is the distance between Ghent Belgium and Amsterdam Netherlands?" Answer: 220km
The total driving distance from Sassenheim, Netherlands to Amsterdam, Netherlands is 24 miles or 39 kilometers.
There is no "Greenboro" Kentucky. However, there is a Greensburg, Kentucky and a Greensboro, North Carolina. The distance between Louisville, Kentucky and Greensburg, Kentucky is about 83 miles. The distance between Louisville, Kentucky, Greensboro, North Carolina is about 490 miles.
The air distance from Amsterdam, the Netherlands, to Hoofddorp, the Netherlands, is 10 miles. That equals 15 kilometers or 8 nautical miles.
about 20-30 minutes, depending on traffic and from where in amsterdam to where in Utrecht
It is 153.29 miles according to MapQuest.
104 miles
The flight distance from Singapore to Amsterdam, Netherlands is: 6,519 miles / 10,492 km
The driving distance from Amsterdam, Netherlands to Gibraltar is 1,517.13mi / 2441.59km
The distance from Sacramento, California, to Louisville, Kentucky, is 1,924 air miles. That equals 3,096 kilometers or 1,672 nautical miles.
The distance from Louisville, Kentucky to Alberta, Canada is approximately 2,200 miles.
The flight distance from Amsterdam, Netherlands to Tokyo, Japan is 5,788 miles / 9315 km