About 1 to 1.30 hours . It depends on your driving and your knowledge about the roads !
University of Patras is a large university in Greece. It is located in Patras, Greece.
The driving distance between Athens and Olympia is approximately 330 km and the driving time should be between 3 and 4 hours.
Patras is located at the northern tip of the Southwest island in Greece. Its exact coordinates on a map are 38 by 15 degrees North and 21 by 44 degrees East.
Three cities that are in and border Greece are Thesoloniki, Larissa, and Patras
Andrew was thought to have been crucified in Patras, Greece, under orders of the Roman governor.
Gerry Stergiopoulos was born in 1976, in Patras, Greece.
Patras is a city in Greece. It begins with P.
The Patras Port, where the shipping routes to the other Greek islands and to Italy terminate, is located at 38.255° north latitude 21.737° east longitude.
Constantinos Stephanopoulos was born on August 15, 1926, in Patras, Greece.
Marily Milia was born on January 2, 1986, in Patras, Greece.
Anna Tassopoulis was born on February 17, 1915, in Patras, Greece.