The country code and area code of Gudalur- Ooty, India is 91, (0)4262.
the distance between ooty to delhi is 2061 kms
Distance between Chennai to Ooty is 535 km.
273 Kms
The driving distance from Kharagpur, West Bengal, India to Ooty, Tamil Nadu, India is 1275mi / 2051km
its around 113 kms
According to the website mapcrow, the distance between Tambaram and Ooty (in India) is 407.46 km.
Calicutt is 187 Kms from Ootty....
I could not find a place called ooty in Australia... Did you mean Ootha? if yes here is the answer: 1431 KM
Distance from Mysore to Ooty is 155 Kilometers / 96 Miles.
The distance from Chembakolli, Tamil Nadu, India to Gudalur, Tamil Nadu, India is 104.7 miles. This is equal to 168.5 kilometers.
Mumbai and Ooty are at a distance of 1,160 km if you go by NH-4. You will have to drive for 18 hours 45minutes through NH-4. Whereas it will take 3 hours 30 minutes more if you take NH-13.