The road distance between Toowoomba and Roma, in Queensland, is 351 km. Travel time averages around four hours.
the distance between toowoomba to Canberra around 1300 km
The road distance from Rockhampton to Toowoomba is 640 kilometres. It is a full day's drive.
From Toowoomba to Melbourne is a distance of 1577km. The journey takes approximately 19 hours, without rest stops.
The distance between Toowoomba and Moree, via the Gore Highway, is 348 km.Travel time is just over four hours, without a break.
From Townsville to Toowoomba is a distance of 1400 km. Travelling time is an estimated 16 hours, without breaks.
It is 800km from Mackay to Gympie. Travel time is around 9 hours.
The distance between Roma and Charleville in Queensland is 265 km. The journey takes around 3 hours by car.
The distance between Roma, in Queensland's west, and Brisbane is 475 kilometres. This trip takes around six hours to travel.
The trip between Toowoomba and Hervey Bay takes about 4 hours 40 minutes to travel. It is a distance of 373 km.
From Maleny to Roma is a distance of 490km. Travel time is around 5 hours 40 mins.
4 miles
From Toowoomba, Queensland to Cowes on Phillip Island, Victoria is a distance of around 1688km. The trip by road takes around 19 hours, without breaks.