You mean Tokyo station in Tokyo to Atsugi Kanagawa Prefecture? If so, it takes one and half hour by train and the cost is like $15~$25! It depends how do you get there!
I will be living in Tokyo and going to school in Kanagawa host-mother just messaged me and told me that it takes about 1 hour by train to get from Tokyo to Kanagawa.
Distance between kl and tokyo is 3323.5 miles.
Tokyo is in Japan!
yamada ryosuke live in kanagawa Tokyo
The flight distance from Tokyo, Japan to Italy is: 6,079 miles / 9,783 km
The total distance from Macau to Tokyo, Japan is 1,831 miles.
The straight line distance between Manila, Philippines and Kanagawa, Japan is calculated to be approximately 2958.07 kilometers or 1596.17 nautical miles.
There are about 526.393 miles between Tokyo, Japan and Hokkaido, Japan.
The flight distance from Tokyo, Japan to Taiwan is:1,402 miles / 2,257 kmThe distance between the nation of Taiwan and the city of Tokyo, Japan, is 1378.6 miles or 2218.59 km.
The distance between Hong Kong, Hong Kong and Tokyo, Japan is 1774 miles (2854 km).
The flight distance from Tokyo, Japan to Maui is: 3,961 miles / 6,375 km