The flight distance from LAX to Munich, Germany is 5,994 miles.
The distance between Canandaigua to Geneva NY is 17 miles.
The driving distance between Munich and Frankfurt am Main is 243.5 miles
The driving distance from Germany to Geneva, Switzerland is 488.41mi / 786.02km
The driving distance from London, UK to Geneva, Switzerland is 983km
There are about 984 km between Amsterdam, Netherlands and Geneva, Switzerland.
The distance between St. Petersburg, Russia and Munich, Germany is approximately 1,781 km (1,107 miles).
The driving distance from Munich, Germany to Naples, Italy is 700 miles.
The driving distance from Geneva, Switzerland to Stuttgart, Germany is ~304.79mi / 490.52km
The distance between Munich in Germany and Boston in the United States is 3839 miles. This is equal to 6179 kilometers.
The driving distance is about 575 miles.
The driving distance from Geneva, Switzerland to Florence, Italy is about 385.34mi / 620.14km