The driving distance from Richmond, Virginia to Allentown, Pennsylvania is 300 miles
90 miles
Allentown is 62.03 miles from Philadelphia, Pa mcstanley
It's about 180 miles to the border, Richmond is about 300 miles from Allentown.
In driving distance, put the two locations on a driving route search, such as google maps. Driving distance from Allentown to the Bronx is about 100-110 miles.
roughly 3,787.83 miles
78 miles taking this route:Take I-81 NORTH, from Harrisburg, to I-78 EAST to ALLENTOWN off EXIT 89.Take I-78 EAST to ALLENTOWN.
The distance between Boston and Philadelphia is 309 miles.
The distance between Zephyrhills, Florida to Allentown, Pennsylvania is 113 miles. It would take about 17 hours to drive from one to the other.
It is 91.60 miles according to MapQuest.
Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, Allentown and Lancaster. Erie might be larger than Lancaster.
The distance between Washington D.C. and Philadelphia is 138 miles.