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The Armenian Catholic Church is an Eastern Catholic Church in communion with the Pope in Rome. What that means is that a member of a local Catholic Church and a member of the Armenian Catholic Church are essentially the same. The Apostle Peter is considered to be the first Pope and founder of Roman Catholicism. Tradition tells us that the Eastern churches were formed by others of Jesus's Apostles after his death and resurrection. It is interesting to note that many of the Eastern churches have been in and out of communion with Rome, and that most if not all of the Eastern churches (19+ from different parts of the world) have counterpart churches with virtually the same traditions which are not in communion with Rome. Roman Catholics can attend Masses and take Communion in Eastern Catholic Churches and vice versa, but the liturgies (order of the Mass) will be very different.

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Greek Orthodox Christians belong to the Eastern Orthodox Church, which is led by a group of self-governing Patriarchs, such as the Patriarch of Antioch, Alexandria, or Jerusalem. These Patriarchs are not answerable to the Pope. However, the Armenian Catholics believe in the Catholic faith and owe their allegiance to the Pope in Rome.

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