meat goat is wild
The zebra is the DINNER. The lion is the DINER.
"Billy" simply means "male" as opposed to "Nanny goat" (female).
wear destroy
Human brain is well developed as compared to goat brain.
A Quagga only has stripes on its front half; a Zebra over its entire body.
Matthew Rini
fiber diameter
There is a very slight the difference between goat and deer browsing. Deer browsing is entirely done by deer but for the goats, browsing may be facilitated since they are domesticated.
Go online and type in each name: A zebra looks like a striped donkey, An okapi doesn't .
Q. what's the difference between a goat and cancer ? A. Jade Goody can't milk a goat Q. what's the difference between a goat and cancer ? A. Jade Goody can't milk a goat Q.what do Jade Goddy and chocolate have in common? A.they both come in boxies