Mumbai is the current official name for the city in Maharashtra India, Bombay is still used often, but is not official anymore
Maharashtra ki rajdhani Mumbai hai.
Time difference between London, England UK and Mumbai, Maharashtra India is: +5:30 hrs Mumbai is 5:30 hours ahead of London That means when it is 9:00 am in London, it is 2:30 pm in Mumbai.
my dick is the difference
distance between mumbai and cochin distance between mumbai and cochin
Distance between Delhi and Mumbai by road or by train approx 1300
There is no much time difference in India.... Almost same everywhere in India
The road distance between Akola and Mumbai is approximately 580 kilometers.
The distance between Mumbai and Fiji is 7,578 miles / 12,196 km
Between June & October it rains in Mumbai quite heavily
Distance between Mumbai to karjat is 300 km.