The current mayor of Orlando, Florida is Buddy Dyer.
The driving time from Miami, Florida to Orlando, Florida is 3 hours and 44 minutes.
The flying time from Puerto Rico to Orlando Florida is about 2.5 hours
Orlando, Florida is in Eastern Time.
4 hrs.
Orlando is located in Florida, United States. Right now, the time is 14.34 in Orlando. The date is August 18, 2014.
Contact your local police for current information
There are about 113.456 miles between Orange Park, FL and Orlando, FL.
Dakar, Senegal is 5 hours ahead of Orlando, Florida. If it is 12 Noon in Dakar, it is 7:00am in Orlando.
It is 111.69 miles northwest of Orlando and requires an esimated driving time of 1 hour and 53 minutes.
Orlando is a city in the state of Florida which is part of the United States. It takes no time because you are already there.
There are many timeshare rentals in Orlando, though summer is a very busy tourist time in Florida. You can learn more about timeshares in Orlando at or