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currency dollars

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Q: What is the currency of Virginia?
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What is represented by Thomas Jefferson on a coin?

Thomas Jefferson appears on the nickel a five cent currency. Thomas Jefferson our third president represented Virginia for the currency.

What is the currency for Hawaii?

Hawaii uses the American Dollar. Because it is an American State, it is only logical that it would use the same currency as the rest of the country. All states, such as Virginia and California, use the Dollar.

How much is a 100000 Confederate Richmond Virginia dated 1861 Worth?

There were only two (2) issue dates in 1861 for notes of Confederate currency in the State of Virginia. If your question is for a $100,000.00 note, then the answer is $0 due to the fact no notes of this amount were printed. If your question is for the value of a $1,000.00 note, the answer would depend on 1) the serial number found on the note and 2) the condition of the note itself. The Confederate currency of the State of Virginia was some of the best quality currency printed in the South, therefore your note has a better chance of worth than say a note from another state.

What is the value of a April 23 1914 National Currency ten dollar bill from the American National Bank of Roanoke Virginia?

About 2 bucks.

What was the average cost of farm land in the 1700s?

The average farm in 1750 in virginia was about 200 gold shillings (No paper money aloud in this time Currency Act)

How did the fad of tobacco save the Virginia colony and spur british settlement to north America?

Tobacco became currency in Virginia. The people were finally motivated to do something. The New World appeared wealthier and more Brits travelled to settle in North America because of it.

How much is a twenty dollar bill worth 1929 federal reserve of Virginia?

Assuming it has a brown seal and says National Currency, about $25-35 depending on condition.

Can you find me a 10 countries in Europe and their currency?

France, currency: Euro.Italy, currency: Euro.Spain, currency: EuroSweden, currency: KronaGermany, currency: EuroPoland, currency: ZlotyUnited Kingdom, currency: SterlingLuxembourg, capital: currency: EuroAlbania, capital: currency: LekRomania, capital: currency:Leu

Can the Euro be used in Russia?

The euro is the currency of Italy.The euro is the currency of Italy.The euro is the currency of Italy.The euro is the currency of Italy.The euro is the currency of Italy.The euro is the currency of Italy.The euro is the currency of Italy.The euro is the currency of Italy.The euro is the currency of Italy.The euro is the currency of Italy.The euro is the currency of Italy.

What is currency for Casablanca?

what is the currency in casablanca what is the currency in casablanca

Is it illegal to purchase property in pennies In West Virginia?

No. In the U.S., all forms of currency are acceptable as legal tender. However, in Canada, if a debt is higher than 25 cents, it is illegal to pay it with pennies.

What is currency acceptable?

dollar currency using as a global currency