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Q: What is the course of the rebellion in barbados in 1816?
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Who was the major leader the the barbadoes rebellion in 1816?

There were 2 main leaders of the Barbados Revolt of 1816, they were Bussa who was a free man in Africa and was brought to the Caribbean in the translantic slave trade which was indeed traumatizing. the other leader was Nanny Grigg, the founder of Nanny Town

What were the causes of the barbados revolt in 1816 by bussa?

compare the 1816 revot in barbados to the 1831 revolt in jamaica. by someone.... Before 1816 (in 1640 to be exact) the sugar industry was big. Africans were brought to be slave in these industries. Yet, in 1816 slave by the name of Bussa rebelled, many slaves rebelled with him. 1/5 of the industries were destroyed during the rebellion. Also during this time 176 slaves including Bussa died. 214 slaves got excuteed. On the bright side in 1834 Thanks to Bussa, te slavery upon these Africans was demolished, then and now Bssa is a hero in Barbados. BY: Girly girl 1617. PS: I only know all this because I am doing a project about Barbados and to me Bussa is a hero.

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What are the effects of the Barbados revolt in 1816?

many slaves died

What are the consequences of bussa revolt in 1816?

Bussa's Rebellion (14-16 April 1816) was the largest slave revolt in Barbadian history. Several hundred slaves under the leadership of the African-born slave Bussa were defeated by british forces

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Why the boxed of course.

What is the mascot of Barbados?

The closest thing to a mascot that Barbados has is the cartoon character "Ozzy Ozone." There was an effort a few years ago to have the mongoose named national mascot, but it was rejected on the grounds that it is not native to Barbados. Neither, of course, are the Barbudians...but never mind....

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The name "Bussa" can have various meanings depending on the cultural or linguistic context. In some languages, it can mean "kiss," "bus," or even refer to a historical figure or a fictional character.

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