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Q: What is the country that claims the island corsica Azores and Madeira islands?
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The Azores islands and the madeira Islands are territiories of which country?


What is the country that claims the European countries Canary Islands Orkney Islands and Crete?

Madeira Islands and the Azores Islands are part of Portugal, Corsica is part of France.

Which country does azores and madeira belong to?


What two island chains are in the Atlantic ocean that are part of Portugal?

The Azores and Madeira islands. Why? The Portuguese got there first.

Is madeira part of the azores?

no, Madeira and Azores are both archipelagos that belong to Portugal

Does Portugal have multiple regions?

Yes, three: the mainland and the autonomous regions of Madeira and Azores islands.

Where does a canary lives?

The Canary Islands, Azores and Madeira in the region known as Macaronesia in the eastern Atlantic Ocean.

What is the name of one of Portugal's islands?

The Azores Autonomous Region [Regiao Autonomia dos Acores] is a Portuguese archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean. The Azores' nine islands and rocky islets are about 930 miles [1,500 kilometers] from Lisbon [Lisboa], Portugal and about 2,400 miles [3,900 kilometers] from the east coast of North America.The Azores were claimed for Portugal and settled by the Portuguese in the early fifteenth century. In 1976 the Azores became one of two autonomous regions of Portugal. According to the 2001 Census, their population was 241,763. It's estimated at 243,018 for 2006. In 2007 the population was around 244,000.

Where does a Canary bird live?

Canary birds are native to the Canary Islands, which are located off the northwest coast of Africa. In captivity, they are commonly kept as pets in homes and aviaries worldwide.

What are the three island groups off the northwest coast of Africa that are the tops of mountains?

The Madeira Islands The Canary Islands and The Cape Verde Islands

What are the Portuguese islands off the coast of Gibraltar with an active volcano?

There aren't any Portuguese islands of Gibraltar. You may be thinking about Madeira off Africa.

What country claims the Azores islands?
