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The conflict in Bronx Masquerade is in each of the students. Each wears a mask that hides who they really are. Their poetry exposes those masks and reveals their real selves.

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Q: What is the conflict in Bronx Masquerade?
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How does poetry affect the characters in the story in Bronx masquerade?

Because it lets them express their feeling.

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get ur own answer dipstick

How does poetry affect the characters in the Bronx masquerade story?

Because it lets them express their feeling.

What are some Character traits that Devon Hope has from the book the Bronx Masquerade?

Devon Hope from the book "Bronx Masquerade" is described as creative, introspective, and passionate about poetry and writing. She is known for having a thoughtful and observant nature, often using her writing as a way to express her emotions and thoughts.