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Q: What is the cause and effect in Booker t Washington speech from Atlanta compromise?
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What was the alanta comprimise?

The "Atlanta compromise took effect in (1895) talking aboout Booker T Washington.

What is the effects of the constitutional Convention?

The effect the constitutional convention had was the great compromise and the 3/5 compromise. These led to the constitution.

When is the cause in the compromise of 1850 and Southern filibuster ventures?

The cause is the Compromise of 1850, and the effect is the Southern filibuster ventures.

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How did the Missouri compromise effect the US?

The Missouri Compromise drew a clear line as to how the US could be divided in terms of slave and free states were defined. This had a big effect on the overall demographics of the country as a whole.

Was it true that the fall of the confederate city of atlanta began a series of devastating losses in the south that had a serious effect on the civilian population?

The fall of the confederate city of Atlanta had devastating losses and a horrific effect on the civilian population of Atlanta. The union states did not however think that Atlanta had great military significance and this was not an intended outcome.

What effect did the compromise of 1850 have on sectional differences?

It settled most differences over slavery.

Was theMissouri Compromise long-term effect of the plan to delay the Civil War or hasten the Civil War?

The Misouri Compromise of 1820 delayed the Civil War for a generation. It was undone by the Compromise of 1850, and barely ten years after the end of the Missouri Compromise disunion and war came.

How does Atlanta's drought effect people in Atlanta?

Well, we had strong regulations on when we can water our grass, but I don't think they are still in effect. I don't actually think we're in a drought anymore; we've had a lot of rain lately.

How did Irish immigrants effect Washington?

I have no clue

How did the general amnestry act eventually led to the compromise of 1877?

because if the general amnesty act never wet into effect the compromise of 1877 would have never needed to happen. Therefore the general amnesty act brought the need of the compromise of 1877