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Tennessee is bordered by North Carolina to the east. Raleigh is the capital city in North Carolina.

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Q: What is the capital city of the state that borders Tennessee to the east?
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Arkansas borders Mississippi Tennessee Missouri Oklahoma Texas and Louisiana. Little Rock is the capital city in the U.S. state of Arkansas.

What you the state capital of Tennessee?

Nashville is the capital city in the U.S. state of Tennessee.

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Nashville is in Tennessee. Nashville is the largest city in Tennessee and the state's capital city.

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Nashville is the capital city in Tennessee. It also is the capital of Davidson County.

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Lincoln is the capital city in the U.S. state of Nebraska. Nashville is the capital city in the U.S. state of Tennessee.

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Memphis is the 2nd largest city in Tennessee. Nashville is the capital and largest city in the U.S. state of Tennessee.

What is the capital of the state whose neighbor's are Mississippi Tennessee Missouri Oklahoma Texas and Louisiana?

Arkansas borders Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Tennessee and Mississippi. Little Rock is the capital city in Arkansas.

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I live in Tennessee. Nashville is the capital city of Tennessee.


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Where is Tennessee's state capital located?

Nashville, the capital city in the U.S. state of Tennessee, is located in the central portion of Tennessee.

What is the capital of Tennessee-?

The capital of the US state of Tennessee is Nashville.

What state is Nashville in?

Nashville is in Tennessee. Nashville is the largest city in Tennessee and the state's capital city.