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None, the atoll is uninhabited

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Q: What is the capital city of Bassas da India?
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What is the motto of Bassas da India?

The motto of Bassas da India is 'Liberté, égalité, fraternité'.

What actors and actresses appeared in Cap sur Bassas da India - 2013?

The cast of Cap sur Bassas da India - 2013 includes: Karel Prokop as himself

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City in India where da gama arrived?

Calicut, India

What is the port city on the southeastern coast of India?

The most prominent was the city of Goa, which became the capital of the Portuguese "Estado da Índia".

Where was Vasco Da Gama die?

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Both dias and da gama sailed from which city?

Dias and Da Gama sailed from Lisbon. Both were on there way to India.

What port city did Vasco Da Gama reach in 1498 when he reached India?


Who ruled the city Vasco da Gama landed in India?

hay hannah was up boo

Vasco da gama found a sea route to what Asian country?

india. city--calcutta

What disease kiled vasco da gama?

scurvyVasco da Gama did not die of scurvy. He died in the city of Cochin, India, on Christmas Eve in 1524 of malaria.