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The fiscal year for the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago is from October 1 to September 30. The Ministry of Finance would issue a Call Circular for all Ministries to provide their budget estimates for the next fiscal year between Febuary and March and the Ministries must provide their estimates by 30 April.

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Q: What is the budget cycle of Trinidad and tobago government?
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What is budget cycle?

The budget cycle refer s to the life of a budget from creation to evaluation.

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A budget is a financial blueprint. A budget is something that is put into action, followed by people, constrains spending, sets targets and has a life cycle.

What are the Characteristics of the budget?

A budget is a financial blueprint. A budget is something that is put into action, followed by people, constrains spending, sets targets and has a life cycle.

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What is the most common state budget cycle?

The most common state budget cycle follows an annual cycle, where budgets are typically prepared, approved, and enacted for the upcoming fiscal year. This process usually involves the submission of budget proposals, legislative review and approval, and implementation of the budget plan.

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The Job of a Budget Analyst?

Budget analysts investigate a company or firm’s finances and advise on new budget allocations. They work mostly in the private sector, but some analysts work for non-profits and some government agencies. Any company that requires help with their finances may be aided by these analysts. A company submits their finances at the beginning of each budget cycle so the analyst can accurately estimate the company’s budget data. The analysts usually advise the company about any pitfalls to the budget proposals and then give financial alternatives to help the company’s bottom line. Budget analysts may work as independent contractors or for budget analysts firms. An individual analyst usually works 40 hours a week compiling and researching data for the companies they are contracted with. Most of their workload comes within different company’s quarters and near the beginning and end of the financial years. A budget analyst needs a bachelor’s degree, but some budget analyst firms require a master’s degree. Many budget analysts simply are promoted within their firms without the need for certification. However, if budget analysts work for government agencies, the Advancing Government Accountability can give certification in the form of a Certified Government Financial Manager. Budget analysts that desire this certification need a bachelor’s degree, 24 hours of financial management course work, and work for at least 2 years in a government agency’s budget analysis office. The government has become one of the biggest employers for budget analysts. This new trend is from state and local governments. Local government requires the help of budget analysts so that towns and cities can balance their budgets and public finances. This trend has helped fuel the hiring of more government budget analysts. However, the private sector contacts independent budget analysts heavily. The Bureau of Labor Statistics is expecting around a 15 percent increase in job opportunities for budget analysts across the United States. Budget analysis earn higher than average wages. The highest 10 percent of budget analysts make over $100,000 a year and many mid-level budget analysts contracted by large firms make approximately $70,000 a year.

What cycle does the air force develop budget programs to achieve defense goals?


What phases exist in a budget cycle?

1. Preparation and Submission; 2. Legislature Review; 3. Execution; 4. Audit.