The lower 70's. This is according to the website
The temperature in May at Virginia Beach, Virginia, averages in the 70s. Average water temperatures are in the 60s. Virginia Beach has around 200 sunny days per year.
The average water temperature for Revere Beach in July is typically around 68-72°F (20-22°C).
80 degrees
The water temperature in late March usually average between 70 to 74 degrees
The average water temperature in Rehoboth Beach in August is around 72-75 degrees Fahrenheit.
Tables and graphs of average weather for Cocoa Beach, FL including monthly climatology, temperature, precipitation, average highs, and lows. ... On average, the coolest month is January. The lowest recorded temperature was 17°F in 1977.JanuaryAverage High: 72° FAverage Low: 50° FAverage Precipitation: 2.48 inches
My guess about 50 degrees. It is not a beach that a lot people use for swimming. In fact, yesterday there was an article about the bacteria levels at Pismo, so I wouldn't go splash around in the water.
It looks like the average temp for September is 64 and october is 57. See this chart:
The water temperature at Myrtle Beach, North Carolina is in the lower 60's as of the beginning of April.