The temperature in Fairbanks can range from -66 centigrade to +99 Fahrenheit. Fairbanks has the widest range of temperature on earth.
The average temperature during the summer in Girdwood Alaska, is 64 Degrees Farenheit
in the US it is Fairbanks, Alaska. Average January temp is -9.7 F. Average July temperature is 62.4 F. Greatest seasonal temperature range on earth is in Siberia, where it ranges from 70 to -70 F. This is due to its continentality- it's landlocked.
Alaska generally has a greater temperature range compared to Hawaii. This is because of Alaska's location at higher latitudes, leading to more extreme seasonal variations in temperature. Hawaii's tropical climate results in relatively stable and mild temperatures throughout the year.
80 degrees.
Fairbanks Alaska
Average winter minimums in this area are 20 to 30 degrees below zero. The coldest temperature ever recorded in Alaska was minus 80 degrees at Prospect Creek.It varies thoughout Alaska.
Why is the average temperature for Quito Ecuador 96 and Nome Alaska 65? Perhaps because the equator runs through Quito and Alaska is fairly close to the polar region.
about -218
54.5 degrees F
Earth, Alaska to Death Valley