The hottest city in Texas on average is McAllen. It has an average 12-month temperature of 74.6 degrees. In contrast, the coldest city in Texas is Stratford with an average 12-month temperature of 55 degrees.
91 degrees F
The average summer temperature in Texas for 1997 was approximately 82-86°F. Temperature can vary slightly depending on the region within Texas.
The average temperature in Austin, Texas in May is around 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27 degrees Celsius). It can vary depending on the specific days and weather patterns during that month.
60 to 70
The average temperature in Fort Worth, Texas in October 2008 was around 73°F (23°C).
The average temperature for the spring in Texas is high 60's to mid 70's.39 degrees celcious
depends where you live. I don't live there... but i want to. From past research, it depends where you live. Around 30-60 though (around average)
Stratford is the coldest city in Texas with an annual average temperature of 55.0 degrees
It does not get too cool in Texas but i would say about 90 degrees.
56 winter 100 summer