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kind of regular size

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Q: What is the average size of an English garden?
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What is the average size of a rectangular home garden?

10 by 30 is the average size of a rectangular home garden.

What are the dimensions of an average garden shed?

Garden size varies from just a few plants to large gardens in which many varieties are grown. Unfortunately, no statistics for average size are known, but it is likely that most people do not have the space to grow very large gardens. The average size is likely a garden that will feed the people growing it, and possibly allow for extra to can or freeze and some to give to neighbors and family. As a guess, the size of most gardens is probably a half acre or less.

What is the average word size in the English language?

Five or six

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Institute of English Language

What is the average English woman's breast size?

The average English woman's bra size is typically around 36C. However, it's important to note that individual sizes can vary widely.

When was English Garden - song - created?

English Garden - song - was created in 2003.

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in which shape and size a garden could be grown

What is the Kikuyu word for the English word garden?

Mugunda is the Kikuyu word for the English word garden.

How many liters of water will watering the garden use?

The amount of water used to water a garden depends on the size of the garden, the type of plants, and the frequency of watering. On average, a garden may use 2-3 liters of water per square foot each time it is watered.

What is 'garden tools' when translated from English to Italian?

"Garden tools" in English is attrezzi da giardino in Italian.

What is the average size of a common british garden bird?

it depends on what type of bird you are talkiing about what type of bird it is a normal bird is 10inches but it veries

What is the average garden size in the UK?

Around 90m2 according to this link! Hope that helps!