The average family size in Ancient Egypt is 15 Perferrably all boys
What is the average home size in louisiana
The average size of a house in 1958 was around 1000 square feet. As of 2014, that number has doubled as the average house is 2000 sq. ft.
The average lot size for a house in Iowa is approximately 10,000 square feet. The average household size in the state of Iowa is 2.44 people.
There no specific . The average house size, family size, the lifestyle choices, the country or cultural norms all matter.
Its the england
The average house key is typically around 2 to 2.5 inches in length. This standard size allows for easy handling and use in various types of locks. The key's length is designed to provide enough leverage and control for the user to operate the lock effectively.
The average house payment depends on the size of the house and the location it is in. High-violence locations have cheap house payments for example.
the average family size in South Dakota per house hold is 2.59
The average selling price for a house in Cork is going to depend on a number of things such as the size of the home and also the size of whole property.
On average, an average house has around 8-10 windows. However, the number of windows can vary depending on the size and layout of the house.