Amarillo, Texas has an average elevation of around 3,605 feet (1,099 meters) above sea level.
About 371 feet
1283.4 ft.
the city's average altitude is 654 metres above seareference:
The altitude of Austin, Texas is approximately 489 feet (149 meters) above sea level.
The average altitude/elevation is about 800 metres (2,600 feet)
It is poo
The altitude of Laredo, Texas is approximately 443 feet (135 meters) above sea level.
The average altitude of Luoyang city is around 140 meters above sea level.
About 541 feet above sea level.
697.09 feet above sea level
The cruising altitude of a 747 depends on weather conditions, weight of the aircraft, and the amount of traffic on the other flight levels. Its average cruising altitude is around 33,000 feet.