Taos, New Mexico, is in area code 575. Note that Santa Fe and Albuquerque are in 505.
Albuquerque has an area of 181.3 square miles.
Albuquerque is in the state of New Mexico.
ALBUQUERQUE Population: 522,100 (2008) Area: 182 sq mi.Albuquerque is the largest city in New Mexico.
There are many different postal codes for Albuquerque located in New Mexico, all of these codes start with the numbers 87. In order to find the correct code for a certain area then further research would have to be carried out.
505 is the area code for Zuni, New Mexico.
Albuquerque New Mexico Temple was created in 2000.
It covers an area of about 181 square miles.
From Las Vegas, New Mexico to Albuquerque, New Mexico - 122 miles. From Las Vegas, Nevada to Albuquerque, New Mexico - 585 miles.
Truth or Consequences and Las Cruces are New Mexico cities that are south of Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Driving distance from Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA to Tampico, Mexico is 1,322.1 miles.
No, Albuquerque is the largest city but Santa Fe is the capital of New Mexico.