The shortest driving distance is 869 miles.
The Distance (in a straight line) between Stellenbosch (Western Cape) and Oudtshoorn (Western Cape) is : 312.1 kilometers (km). The approximate travel/road distance can be around 358.92 km to 390.12 km
The approximate travel/road distance can be around 404.47 km to 439.64 km. However, how long this takes depends. The Distance between Cape Town (Western Cape) and Oudtshoorn (Western Cape) is : 351.71 kilometers (km).
The distance between the above two places is 5912 miles. This is an approximate direct distance. Also this distance might change if a different route is chosen.
The distance between the above places is 208 miles This is an approximate direct distance. The actual distance may change depending upon the flight path.
This is an approximate driving distance. The actual driving distance may differ according to the path chosen. The distance mentioned between the above mentioned places is 263.47mi
The distance between the above two places is 2872 miles. This is an approximate direct distance. Also this distance might change if a different flight route is chosen.
The Distance between Cape Town (Western Cape) and Bloemfontein (Free State) is : 908.94 kilometers (km). The approximate travel/road distance can be around 1045.28 km to 1136.18 km In Other Units: 564.79 miles. The approximate travel/road distance can be around 649.51 miles to 705.99 miles 490.46 nautical miles. The approximate travel/road distance can be around 564.03 nautical miles to 613.07 nautical miles
What is the distance in km from cape town to windhoek
They are 6300 miles (approximate distance) away from each other. Note that this is a straight distance between the two places. The actual distance may vary according to the flight path or road/sea route chosen.
The distance between the above two places is 7839 miles. This is an approximate direct distance. Also this distance might change if a different flight route is chosen.
139 miles