The distance is about 3 miles from West Yellowstone, Montana to the Wyoming border.
The address of the West Yellowstone Historical Society is: Po Box 1225, West Yellowstone, MT 59758
West Yellowstone is a town in Gallatin County, Montana.
The address of the Yellowstone Historic Center Museum is: 104 Yellowstone Ave, West Yellowstone, MT 59758
Yellowstone is located in Wyoming and Montana.
The web address of the Yellowstone Historic Center Museum is:
1369 miles
The phone number of the Yellowstone Historic Center Museum is: 406-646-1100.
In general no, Montana is north of Wyoming. However Montana's "chin" extends a bit south of the rest of the state and is west of the part of Wyoming containing Yellowstone Park.
Glacier park is located in north west Montana near the Canadian border. Yellowstone park is located in southern Montana and northern Wyoming. So yes, Glacier park is about 400 miles north of Yellowstone.
264 road miles.