The population of Thimphu is 79,185.
Dzongkha is the language of Thimphu
The capital of Bhutan is Thimphu.
Arunachal Pradesh to Thimphu was created in 2008.
The absolute location of Thimphu is 27.28N and 89.37E.
The population density of Thimphu is 3,029 people per square kilometer.
Yes. Thimphu is the capital of the nation of Bhutan, in the Himalayas north of India.
Thimphu is capital city of Bhutan. Phuntsholing is one of biggest city in Bhutan
Thimphu is the capital of Bhutan; the coordinates are 27°28.0′N and 89°38.5′E.
The lowest temperature recorded in Thimphu, Bhutan, is typically around -5°C to -10°C during the winter months of December to February.