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Legal drinking age in Prague and in the whole Czech Republic is 18 years.

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Q: What is the alchol consumption age in Prague?
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What are the alchol side effects?

A major side effect of excessive alcohol consumption is dehydration.

What is alchol drinking age limit in Oklahoma?

its 21 for all states i think

What are the affects of alchol consumption with no spleen?

The spleen doesn't metabolize alcohol, the liver does. So not having a spleen won't change how you react to alcohol.

What can happen to man who's been drinking whiskey for 30 years?

He dies of liver poiusining from excessive alchol consumption.

What are the dangers or harmful consequesces of using alchol?

Consuming alchol has been shown to kill off brain cells. It has also been proven to kill off the liver if too much has been consumed. The human liver can process only so much alchol before it shuts down. Consumption can also lead to birth defects if you are pregnent and drink.

What can men do to raise sperm count.?

To raise a sperm count, you could start by eating a healthy diet. Cut back on smoking and alchol consumption, as well!

Can you drink alchol in Canada if you have a USA drivers license?

Yes, you can. As long as you are of age in the province you are going to.

Under Michigan law at what hour are minors required to leave an establishment that serves alchol?

Under Michigan law at what hour are minors under the age of 21 required to leave an establishment that serves alchol?

How many types of alchol are there in numbers?

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What is the legal age for a shop keeper to sell alchol and cigerettes?

It depends what country you are in. In the Republic of Ireland it is 18.

What began by 18th amendment?

prohibition of alchol prohibition of alchol

Should student 18 or younger old drink alchol or beer?

No. The legal age is 21. You could get arrested, otherwise.