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larnaca airport.

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Q: What is the airport near the Greek part of Cyprus?
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Related questions

What is the main religion in Cyprus?

The main religion in Cyprus is Greek Orthodox. Because Cyprus was part of Greece for centuries.

What part of Cyprus is controlled by Greek Cypriots?

The south-west 61% of Cyprus is controlled by Greek Cypriots and the north-east 39% is controlled by Turkish Cypriots.

What year did Cyprus join the European union?

On the 1st of May 2004, the Greek part of Cyprus joined the European Union.

Who is the best country for study between Cyprus or England?

Lectures in Cyprus will be in Greek or Turkish depending on which part of the island you are studying in.

How can I find tickets to North Cyprus?

North Cyprus is a self declared state that comprises the northeastern part of the island of Cyprus. Tickets can be found through Kayak, or you can book a flight through Ercan International Airport in Northern Cyprus.

Is Cyprus part of Greece?

In 1974 the northern part of the island was illegally invaded by Turkey and colonised by people from the Turkish mainland; it subsequently declared itself the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus in 1983, which is not recognised by the international community due to its illegality. Therefore Cyprus as recognised by all foreign governments, aside from Turkey, Cyprus is run by a Greek Cypriot government and is therefore Greek.

Where is Cyprus in relation to Venice?

Cyprus is an island in the large part of the Mediterraneum, whereas Venice is part of Italy at the top part where yes it is built in a lagoon, but still has a mainland part, where the airport and train station are. They are not close at all. Cyprus is southeast of Venice.

What happens if I reexport Turkish goods to Greek Cyprus... Will I have any problems getting my shipment past customs?

Is there trading between the free part of Cyprus and Turkey? If not, you are not allowed to send anything to the Government Control Part.

Ercan, Cyprus?

Ercan, Cyprus is mainly known for its airport and can be called the gateway to the mysterious island of Aphrodite. Cyprus is an island in the Mediterranean Ocean. Cyprus is divided by a border or green line and Ercan is in the Northern part of Cyprus. North Cyprus is not as developed and under Turkish influence, while the south part of Cyprus is under Greek influence. Cyprus is a melting pot of the European, Asian, and African cultures; it is also referred to as the playground of the world. Cyprus is an ancient island, and its serious side is evidenced with a museum of antiquity in every town. The beaches are unparalleled as are the accommodations. Villas are available for rent close to Ercan that are quite reasonable and beautiful. Ercan is sometimes known as Tymbou which is a nearby ancient village. Ercan, Cyprus is the gateway to the unspoiled world of northern Cyprus; the ancient island that is like none other in the world.

Is Greek Cyprus one of the Schengen states. If not so then about how much time will it take to be one of the Schengen states?

Cyprus is not part of the Schengen Area. Cyprus is committed to joining the Schengen Area, but no date has yet been set.

What religion are people in Cyprus?

Greek Orthodox Christianity or particularly "the Greek Orthodox Church of Cyprus/ Cypriot Orthodox Church" It's part of Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Not forgetting the Turkish community, whch would follow Islam.

What Cypriot city is divided into Greek and Turkish areas?

The answer you are looking for is NICOSIA, but the phrasing is awkward.Nicosia is a Cypriot city that is partially occupied by the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), a country that is seen by most countries and analysts to be a territorial extension of the Republic of Turkey. The southern part of the city, which is still part of the Republic of Cyprus is not a "Greek" area anymore than the rest of Cyprus is a "Greek" area. While the majority of Cypriot citizens are Greek Cypriots, there are Turkish Cypriots that live throughout the Republic of Cyprus. Conversely, because of the Turkish Invasion in 1974 that set up the TRNC there are practically no Greek Cypriots in the TRNC and a very high number of Turkish citizens (who have no Cypriot ancestry) along with Turkish Cypriots.As the city is controlled by the TRNC and the Republic of Cyprus, neither part is directly controlled by Turkey or Greece.