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12 if the partners are one year age apart or less.

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Q: What is the age of consent for us citizen who wants to get married in Jamaica?
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If a non citizen married to a US citizen and wants a divorced how do you become a US citizen?

You go to immigration and start the paper work.

If an illegal alien married to a citizen wants to go to the army ca he do it?


Can your boyfriend have a baby with a us citizen if already married in another country?

He shouldn't, but he CAN do whatever he wants.

How does travel work if my Mexican fiance doesn't want to be a citizen when we get married Will I become a Mexican citizen?

No you will not become a Mexican citizen but you will have Mexican recidency. Your fiancee can have the option to apply for citizenship later on if she wants.

I am a citizen of Iowa but got married to a jamaican in Jamaica last fall and want to know if i can get a divorce in Iowa that will end the marriage?

First of all if you get a divorce there of course it is it is a divorce but if you want to go back but you don't get a divorce of course that isn't going to end it if he/she loves you he/she wants the best for you!

Does immigration consider the age difference between a US citizen and an alien who wants to get married?

No, as long as they are both 18.

What is necessary for a U.S. citizen and a Mexican citizen who already has a permanent residency card in the U.S. to get married in the U.S.?

The requirements are the same as for two citizens; they will depend on the state and county where the couple wants to marry.

Can an illegal immigrant who have a child with an EU citizen be granted right to remain in UK?

its possible,depends on the ff 1.if you are married to the eu citizen?! then you can 2. if youre not married you'll be deported,your child at the age of 18 has the right to choose which country he/she wants to settle in

Can an 18 year old female get married to a 21 year old male in Mississippi?

Apparently, in Mississippi, you'd need parents consent for anyone who wants to get married under the age of 21.

Is it legal or illegal if already married Indian wants to arrange his second marriage with American citizen just to obtain the American citizenship?

It is illegal.

Brazilian woman marries Indian citizen in India during visitos visa can she be Indian citizen?

According to the constitution of India, once if the girl is married to an Indian boy she automatically becomes an Indian. But if she wants to stay in Brazil then she doesn't become a citizen of India.

If one parent wants to relocate daughter with family members out of state can she without the other parents consent?

I get the feeling they are not married. if there are court orders for custody, visitation and child support she can not do this without the other parents consent and the courts consent. Otherwise she will be breaking the courts orders which is illegal.