You need to call the Watchtower Society for any kingdom hall information. They can give you address, times and dates. Their number is (718) 560-5000. Also, you can go on for more information.
You need to call the Watchtower Society for any kingdom hall information. They can give you address, times and dates. Their number is (718) 560-5000. Also, you can go on for more information.
Yes there are Kingdom hall's of Jehovah's Witnesses all over the world including Mexico.
The Kingdom Hall address on Saint Martin Street in St Martinville, LA is 902.
The web address of the Presser Hall Restoration Society is:
The address of the Presser Hall Restoration Society is: 900 S Jefferson, Mexico, MO 65265
To find the nearest Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Orlando, Florida 32833, you can visit the official website of Jehovah's Witnesses and use the Kingdom Hall locator tool. This tool will provide you with the closest Kingdom Hall address and contact information.
For the address of th enearest kingdom hall in Mandaluyong City contact the Jehovah's Witness Branch OfficePHILIPPINES PO Box 2044, 1060 Manila.or look in your local telephone directory under KINGDOM HALL of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Yes, there is a Kingdom Hall in Cuenca, Ecuador. You can reach out to Jehovah's Witnesses or check their official website for the specific address and meeting times.
There is no Kingdom Hall in Qatar, but religion other than Islam is NOT banned. Evangelizing(witnessing) is TOTALLY illegal there, so JWs wouldn't have much to do.
You will need to contact the Branch officeMEXICO Apartado Postal 895, 06002 Mexico, DF.
Contact the Mexico branch to get a detailed schedule of meeting times at a Kingdom Hall near you. Mexico: Apartado Postal 896, 06002 Mexico, DF. May the glory of God Jehovah continue to shine bright through the rule of his son, our king and redeemer of our sins, Jesus Christ