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Between 15° 00' North latitude and 100° 00' East longitude

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Q: What is the absolute locaton of Thailand?
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Is there a Republic of Thailand?

There is no Republic of Thailand. Thailand is a kingdom - an absolute monarchy - Thailand is not a democracy. Its head of state is King Bhumibol (Rama IX). No Thailand is not an absolute monarchy-it is a constitutional monarchy. Occasionally elections are held in the country but if the King does not like the result he immediately dissolves that government. <---- No, he does not have the power to resolve the parliament, at least not through directly. See Wikipedia entries on 'Fascism', 'Imperialism' and the 'May 15 Incident', for more information about this government type.

Were Washington monumeant locaton?

In Washington D.C.

What is the relative locaton of Baton Rouge?

on the side of texsa.

What are the countries in Asia under monarchy government?

There are three monarchies (constitutional monarchies) in Southeast Asia : Cambodia, Malaysia, and Thailand. Cambodia (Kampuchea) and Malaysia have monarchs elected from the royal families, while Thailand has a single heriditary ruling family.

What is the relative locaton of Mexico?

In North America, south of the United States.

When did Thailand become a democracy?

Its traditional date of founding is 1238. Thailand was never colonized.

What is the locaton of the siruis?

It is nine light years from the earth. It is to the north of Canis Major.